Tag Archives : pet health

Dogs with Digestive Issues: You Can Help!

Dogs with Digestive Issues: You Can Help!


Many canine breeds are susceptible to digestive issues. The size of your canine companion can play a part in this, as well. It seems that many very large dogs, as well as many very small dogs have digestive issues.

If your furry friend is having some tummy troubles, the following tips can help you figure out what is going on and how to help your fur baby feel better.

Vet Visit

It is always helpful to get the advice of a trusted veterinarian. Many dog parents prefer to try a few home remedies first. However, if your dog’s digestive issues worsen, you should make an appointment with the veterinarian.

If your canine companion is experiencing any of the below signs of digestive issues, a vet appointment is recommended.

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Lethargy
  • Loss of appetite
  • Significant weight loss
  • Change in stool type

When in doubt, ask your veterinarian! If you are unsure if these digestive issues are really a problem, or if your dog is just having an off day, call your vet’s office and explain why you are concerned. They can suggest a plan of action.

Pet Food

Many times, the answer to tummy troubles may be as simple as a change of food. Sometimes a particular food just won’t agree with your pooch’s stomach.

If you recently switched brands or types of food, this is probably the cause of your dog’s tummy problems. Even if your pet has been eating the same food for years, this could also be the culprit.

Once in a while, a dog food company will add or remove ingredients, or completely change the formula of a food. For more information on your dog’s current brand of food, or to choose a new one that might work better for his dietary needs, visit DogFoodAdvisor online.

Sneaky Dogs

Pet food is not the only type of food that can upset your pet’s stomach. Fido can sneak into the trash when  you aren’t home, or steal a table scrap when you get up for a glass of water. The scraps of food eaten throughout the day can easily cause temporary digestive issues.

If your pet is unable to get these troubling foods out of their system, make an appointment with your veterinarian.


Another way to help reduce tummy upset in your best friend is to add a supplement to their diet. Sometimes, commercially prepared pet foods just don’t have everything a dog needs to live up to his potential and enjoy good health. Choose a supplement that is made of highest quality ingredients, and is manufactured in the United States to help your dog’s systems function properly.

One supplement that works well and gets great reviews from dog parents is NuVet Plus. NuVet Plus works to support your pet’s overall health from the inside out, and can help improve digestion.

For more information on NuVet Plus, including a list of NuVet ingredients and real-life stories from dog parents like you, visit us online. You can also place an order for the NuVet Plus wafers or powder at https://www.nuvet.com/products.html.

Your pet deserves the best you can provide, and NuVet Plus can help you do that. Visit NuVet on Twitter to learn more.


There are several types of animals that must have daily exercise to keep their digestive system functioning properly. Horses, in particular, are very prone to digestive troubles if they aren’t up and moving enough. Did you know that this can also have an impact on your dog?

Helping Fido’s tummy can be as easy as incorporating one or two short walks into his daily routine. It’s a win for both of you – he gets the exercise he needs, and you get some fresh air and sunshine. As an added bonus, both of you might lose a pound or two and make some friends in the neighborhood in the process.

Hopefully the tips above will help you care for your furry friend! For more information about Fido, and how to optimize canine health, visit the NuVetonline blog.

Cat Health Care: The Basics of Caring for Your Cat

Cat Health Care: The Basics of Caring for Your Cat

While the best part of having a cat is snuggling with your soft, furry, four-legged pal, it’s also important to make your pet’s health a top priority. Cats, like all pets, have a health care routine that pet owners should abide by. Following the basics of cat health care will ensure that you give your feline friend the best chance to live a long, healthy and happy life.

The Basics of Cat Health Care

The first step in your cat health care routine should be regular visits to the veterinarian. Cats should see a veterinarian at least once a year. Yearly visits will ensure that your cat receives proper vaccinations and that an exam is performed by the doctor.

This allows the doctor to check for any potential health concerns, as well as monitor your cat’s growth and development. It’s also a good time to touch base with your doctor and ask any questions you might have.

Did You Know?

Many people don’t realize that grooming is also essential for your cat’s health. While you may not take your cat to the grooming salon on a regular basis, you should make it a point to brush their coat several times per week.

This helps prevent matting, and can also help prevent your cat from having hair balls. For the most part, cats bathe themselves, but brushing can help their coat look shiny, clean and healthy at all times.

Proper Nutrition

Nutrition should also be a priority when it comes to your cat’s health care. Choosing wholesome food is important, but even the highest-quality dry pet foods will not meet all of your pet’s nutritional needs.

Talk with your veterinarian about adding in a pet supplement, such as NuVet Plus, to your cat’s diet. This supplement is designed specifically for cats and will help to boost your cat’s immune system.

The NuVet Plus feline formula is a delicious, finely-granulated powder that can be easily sprinkled on your furry friend’s food. The addition of a superior pet supplement like NuVet Plus will help to fill the nutritional gaps in your pet’s diet.

For example, cat’s require taurine. Taurine is an essential amino acid that the feline body cannot produce on it’s own. Therefore, it must be obtained through diet. The NuVet Plus feline formula would be able to provide your cat with the taurine it needs to thrive.

Fresh Water

Just like food and nutrients are important, so is water. Make sure you kitty has easy access to fresh water so they can stay hydrated. A rule of thumb is to replenish your feline friend’s water bowl once a day.

Dental Care

Just like your teeth need regular dental care, so does your cat’s teeth. During one of your regular visits to the vets office, talk with your veterinarian about how you should brush your cat’s teeth.

Some veterinarians will recommend using a toothbrush and toothpaste designed specifically for cats, while others might say a cotton swab with salt and water will work just as well. Your cat’s dental hygiene is important, because healthy gums can help prevent issues later on in your pet’s life.

A variety of individual factors will also impact the health care that your cat receives, including its breed, age and general health. Be sure to find a veterinarian that you trust and that you know has your pet’s best interest at heart. For more information on the NuVet Plus feline formula, visit the NuVet Labs website today.

Your Dog’s Paws: How to Keep Them Safe

Protect Your Dog’s Paws!

One aspect of canine health that can be easy to overlook is the paws. We put on shoes every day to protect our feet, so why don’t we take the same care in protecting Fido’s paws?

Your dog’s paws need just as much care and caution as the rest of his body. They are constantly being introduced to new surfaces and bacteria, which can result in cracking, burning, frostbite or injury.

Although your dog’s paws are sturdy, they are not invincible. It is important to take the appropriate steps throughout the year to help prevent your dog from encountering paw problems.

Avoid Dangerous Surfaces

Your veterinarian will have stories to share with you, cautioning you about where you take your pet to walk. Avoid parking lots full of oil and antifreeze. Large rocks and even small pebbles can pose hazards to your dog’s paws.

Lush grass and soft sand are the best places to walk. However, your dog can go just about anywhere you go as long as you pay attention to the walking surface and help him avoid hazards.

Watch the Temperature

If you partake in social media, it’s likely that you’ve seen the pictures of dogs with burned paws from walking on paved surfaces that are way too hot. Your dog’s paws are much tougher than human feet, but they still need protecting.

If it’s too hot for you to be barefoot, it’s too hot for your pooch to be bare paws. Especially if you are walking on pavement or blacktop. If your pooch begins limping or licking his paws after a warm walk, check for potential burns.

Warm days aren’t the only danger for unprotected paws. Winter months can bring their own potentially dangers. Trotting for long periods of time in ice or snow can lead to frostbite or discomfort. Before going inside with your canine companion, make sure to clean the snow, ice and dirt from their paws.

Protective Gear

If you don’t want to give up your long morning walks with Fido during extreme weather, consider investing in some stylish paw protection. Doggy snow booties help keep your dog’s paws warm and protects them from outside dangers. However, doggy footwear is not just for the snow.

If you stop by your local pet supply store, you can find many options for doggy footwear. From thin paw covers that keep paws from picking up mud, to rugged doggy hiking boots, the options are endless.

If you live in an area with few choices for doggy couture, you can find what you need online. When shopping for doggy boots, make sure you choose something that is as functional as it is stylish.

But remember that your pup will need some time to adjust to wearing shoes. Most dogs don’t take to shoes right away.

Inspect for Problems

After a walk, hike or jog, it’s a good idea to inspect your dog’s paws for cuts, scrapes, or foreign objects. A small pebble or piece of broken glass can slide up between your pup’s paw pads and cause harm.

Some dogs may not like their paws to be messed with, so disguise your inspection as a massage, with lots of praise to keep your dog from catching on. If you do see any issues, act quickly to keep small problems from turning into larger issues.

Overall Pet Health

Protecting your pooch’s paws is a great step to supporting their overall health. A good dietary supplement is another important step in promoting Fido’s health.

An immune system building supplement can help keep all of your dog’s systems functioning properly. This includes his paws and bones. NuVet Plus is a great choice to support pet health.

NuVet Plus is made from high-quality highest quality ingredients, and has everything your dog’s body needs to function at it’s best. For more information, and to see what other pet parents have to say about NuVet Plus, visit nuvetreviews.com.

Is Your Dog Food Missing These Vitamins?

Is Your Dog Food Missing These Vitamins?

dog food, pet food, vitamins, minerals, B vitamins

For humans, it is imperative to find the right balance of the necessary vitamins and minerals in your diet. A vitamin deficiency can cause several health problems. Likewise, too much of any one vitamin can cause other problems. The same holds true for your dog.

Choosing a high quality pet food is one of the most important decisions that you’ll make as a pet parent. You likely check the ingredient list to make sure there’s enough lean protein, and not too many  grains or fillers. But do you check to see if it contains the must-have vitamins?

A lack of vitamins, or overload, can cause skin, coat, muscle and bone issues, as well as many other issues. When shopping for your pet’s next bag of food, be sure to look for these vital vitamins.

Which Vitamins Should Be Included in My Dog’s Food?

  • Vitamins A and E — Both are antioxidants that can help your dog manage its weight and live a healthy life. They also help to improve your dog’s immune system and aid in the aging process. Dog food that contains eggs may contain sufficient quantities of vitamins A and E.
  • Vitamin C — Just like you might drink a glass of orange juice so the Vitamin C can boost your immune system and help you feel better; your dog requires the same vitamin for similar reasons.
  • Vitamin D — Helps your dog stay active by supporting it’s bones, helping to keep them strong and healthy. It also promotes dental health.
  • Vitamin B-12 — Helps your dog live a long and healthy life because it promotes healthy cell development in your pet.

The B-Complex

B vitamins are some of the most important vitamins for your dog’s diet. But which are necessary for great canine health?

The B-complex is a series of vitamins that are vital to your dog’s health. They are water-soluble and are constantly being flushed from your dog’s system. As a result, it is very important that your dog replenishes the levels of B vitamins in his body.

The B-complex includes thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6) and Vitamin B12. Combined, these vitamins help to enhance the function of nearly every part of the body. This is why pet parents should make an effort to include all B vitamins in their dog’s diet.

Some signs that your dog may be dealing with a B-complex deficiency are a lack of appetite, decreased energy, digestive issues or unexplained weight loss. Increased thirst and increased urination can also be signs of a deficiency.

Pet owners should note that some B vitamins require the support of other vitamins in order to function and absorb properly. Finding food products and dog supplement products with all of these beneficial vitamins is essential.

Benefits of B Vitamins

  • Essential for a healthy metabolism, and can help control your dog’s weight.
  • Help to boost the function of the central nervous system in dogs. Niacin, also known as B3, allows the nervous system to properly grow and develop.
  • B5 allows carbohydrates, proteins and fats to release the proper amount of energy, helping your pet to feel revitalized. It also aids in the absorption and utilization of other vitamins, as well as the formation of antibodies.
  • Help improve fertility in dogs. B12 is essential for reproductive health.

Dietary Concerns

The most reliable way to ensure that your best friend gets the right balance of vitamins and nutrients in his diet is to feed a high quality food each day and avoid table scraps and people food. However, B vitamins can also be found naturally in the fruits and vegetables that you may give your dog as a treat.

While it’s essential that you feed your dog a nutritious pet food filled with the best vitamins, your dog may still not be getting everything that it needs.  The best way to fill in the nutritional gaps in your dog’s diet is to add a pet nutritional supplement to its daily routine.

Dietary Supplement

You should also choose a dietary supplement that provides the right combination of vitamins and minerals to keep your dog healthy. One of the best supplements on the market is NuVet Plus. NuVet Plus contains a synergistic blend of highest quality ingredients that benefit canine health. Vitamins B-1, B-2, B-3, B-5, B-6 and B-12 are combined with several other vitamins and minerals to deliver superior nutrition to your dog with each dose.

This product is formulated specifically to meet the nutritional requirements of dogs, and contains all of the best ingredients that are designed to work together in order to enhance your pet’s health. NuVet Plus provides your dog with an additional boost of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that will help to strengthen its immune system and improve its energy levels.

In order to find out first-hand how beneficial NuVet Plus can be, be sure to check out NuVet Labs on Twitter.

DIY Organic Shampoo for Your Dog

DIY Organic Shampoo for Your Dog

DIY, dog shampoo, organic shampoo

There is a wide range of doggie shampoos available on the market these days, and choosing the right one to suit your four-legged family member’s needs can be extremely difficult. Imagine if you could formulate your dog’s own shampoo the way you want to, as much as you want and whenever you want. Fortunately for you, you can! Here is a DIY organic doggie shampoo recipe that you can easily follow at home!

Why Make Your Own Organic Doggie Shampoo?

There are several reasons that some people prefer to make their own doggie shampoo instead of buying commercially sold ones. For example, making your own organic shampoo can save time and money. The ingredients for the shampoo can be cheaply bought from the market and you can make as much as you want. Plus, you don’t have to take a trip to the pet store every time you run out.

Another benefit of DIY organic shampoo is that you know exactly what the ingredients are and where they’re from. You can even adjust the ingredients to fit your dog’s needs. By making your own doggie shampoo, it is almost as if you have an unlimited supply of tailor-made shampoo for your canine companion at home.

Ingredients and Materials

  • 1 empty squeeze bottle – 12-16 oz. (larger if you want to make 2x the amount)
  • 1/2 cup organic liquid castile soap – made from olive oil, this gentle substance will serve as the base for your doggie shampoo.
  • 1/4 cup organic apple cider vinegar – fights odor and repels fleas, keeping your pup smelling lovely. It also adds gleam to your dog’s fur.
  • 1 tbsp. organic olive oil – this essential oil is conditioning. It also helps prevent your dogs hair from drying out.
  • 2 tbsp. water – for mixing and diluting
  • Organic lavender essential oil – Lavender has a calming property, which could be beneficial during bath time. It is also a natural tick and flea repellant.
  • Organic eucalyptus oil – fights unwanted odor, fleas, ticks and can help soothe sensitive skin.


  1. Using a funnel, pour 1/2 cup of organic liquid castile soap into the squeeze bottle.
  2. Add the apple cider vinegar to the castile soap.
  3. Put in a tablespoon of olive oil.
  4. Add 2 tablespoons of water.
  5. Put in 4 drops of lavender essential oil and 4 drops of eucalyptus essential oil to the mixture.
  6. Shake well. Make sure to shake before use because the ingredients tend to settle at the bottom of the bottle.

Note: You can adjust the amount of the essential oils you put in the shampoo. You can play around with the ratio, depending on how you want it. If you want to add other essential oils, just make sure that it is safe for your pet and not to use too much of it.

How to Use

  1. Wet your pup with lukewarm water and apply an ample amount of shampoo. This is not a tearless shampoo so avoid the eye area.
  2. Lather well.
  3. Rinse thoroughly and completely.
  4. Towel dry and groom Fido any way you want.
  5. Enjoy the rest of the day with a fresh-smelling and happier pup!

Canine Shampoo

It will be fun creating your own shampoo for your dog, especially if you can see how effective it is in keeping your pup’s coat beautiful and healthy looking. However, if you prefer to leave shampoo making to the professionals, Nuvet has various shampoo products.

Some of the NuVet shampoo products include a hypoallergenic conditioning shampoo for dry skin, tearless puppy and kitten shampoo, soothing tea tree shampoo, and odor control pet shampoo. All of NuVet’s shampoo products are soap and detergent free so they will not extract crucial oils from your pet’s skin.

Aside from keeping your pet’s fur in top condition, it is just as important to maintain their inner beauty. To do this, give them a nutritional pet supplement such as NuVet Plus. NuVet Plus helps keep your pet healthy from the inside out.

NuVet Plus is made from natural ingredients and is manufactured in a FDA registered lab which is why more and more dog parents are choosing NuVet Plus for their pets. See what dog lovers have to say about NuVet products on NuVet’s Facebook page.

What To Do When Your Dog Meets A Skunk

What To Do When Your Dog Meets A Skunk

Skunk, dog

Like many dog owners, you probably have a fenced in yard. And like many dog owners you probably don’t give it a second thought when it comes to letting Fido out into the yard to do his business. Unfortunately, this fairly normal way of thinking can pose a problem if your pooch happens upon a skunk.

Your Pup and a Skunk

Chances are, your beloved pooch failed to recognize and retreat when Mr. Skunk gave his warning to back off, resulting in a dog that has been enveloped in the misery that is the distinctive, fetid smelling spray (mercaptan) of a skunk. Even if your dog was able to pick up on the warnings the skunk tried to communicate, the spray of a defensive skunk can travel a distance of up to 15 feet, which could mean even a pup with the instinct to stay away might still have been exposed.

If you were lucky, you made the stinky discovery before you let your pup back into the house. If not, as soon as you do realize Fido has acquired a new perfume, take him back outside immediately. Continue reading to learn how to help Fido in his post-skunked time of need.

What You Will Need:

  • Old cloth towels or paper towels
  • Rubber gloves
  • Eyewash – if your pup was sprayed in the eyes.
  • Garden hose or bucket of water

You may also want to invest in a skunk removal product like Nature’s Miracle Skunk Remover. You can also make your own skunk remover by following Chemist, Paul Krebaum’s recipe and mix the following ingredients together in an open bucket:

Skunk Removal Recipe

  • A quarter cup of baking soda
  • 1 tsp. of liquid soap
  • A quart (4 cups) of hydrogen peroxide

If you have a large dog, add an additional quart (4 cups) of water to the mixture.

Note: Use immediately, leaving this concoction sitting for too long can make it explode. Also, this recipe loses its effectiveness after awhile.

What To Do:

Read the following instructions thoroughly before beginning.

  2.  Safely secure your dog with a leash or with the help of a friend or family member.
  3. Put on your rubber gloves to protect your hands from picking up skunk oil – make sure your helpers have gloves too.
  4. If using a store bought skunk remover, follow the directions on the bottle. If making your own proceed to step 6.
  5. Look for any scratches or bites. Note: If your dog has been bitten or scratched by the skunk, contact your veterinarian immediately.
  6. If you have made your own mixture: thoroughly work the mixture into your dog’s fur. Pay attention to where the skunk scent is the strongest on your dog. Note: Be careful of your dog’s eyes, skunk remover stings.
  7. Let mixture sit on dog for 5 minutes.
  8. Rinse your dog thoroughly and repeat if necessary.
  9. If your dog’s eyes (face) were skunked, use eyewash. Follow provided directions carefully on store bought eye wash.

Follow up with your veterinarian if your dog starts acting strangely and/or exhibits excessive squinting or vomiting.

Helpful Hints for Keeping your Dog Skunk-Free:

  • Skunks are more active at dawn and dusk so keeping dogs indoors during those times is a good idea.
  • Keep your dog on a leash with supervision.
  • Avoid high grass, as you never know where a skunk may be hiding out.

Discovering Fido has been skunked is never a pleasant experience. However, knowing how to handle the situation will definitely make it less traumatic for you and your pup.

Fortunately, providing your pup with a high quality vitamin supplement, like NuVet Plus canine, is far from traumatic. Comprised of highest quality ingredients and flavored in a way that your dog will love, you can make sure that Fido is receiving his daily dose of good nutrition with NuVet Plus. Dog parents everywhere are using NuVet Plus to help combat dietary deficiencies and other things in their dog’s environment that could be negatively impacting their health.

As a result, we regularly receive happy reports on how NuVet supplements have helped to improve the quality of life for many dogs. If you would like to see what people have to say about NuVet Plus, please visit NuVet testimonials.